Kids are back to school after a long and hectic summer vaccation and for the same reason I am back to blogging. I hope I will sustain the writing;-))
Summer vaccation in UK was good. Had some very nice visits to beaches, amusement parks, sea life park, safari and above all Scotland. Scotland was real good and can be described mostly as a driving tour. But definitely one of the best in a long time. God! what a gift Scotland is to UK. Looking at all the sheep in Scotland couldn't help remembering my friend meaaaooowww's blog on Scotland that too several times. You can read it here:
My little daughter has also joined a playgroup;something that can be associated to a school. So now we both are having first-time-at-school blues! she cannot stop being petrified of the school and I cannot stop getting (over)reactive. But things are beginning to smoothen out a bit.
That was the summary of my life so far; as if anyone bothers to miss my writing.
I hope more of my blogs pour in, like the rain in UK and so do readers' comments;-))